- So, Mizan, Baal is death. We’ve killed all the Prime Evils and still didnt find a SoJ.
- Nobody is immuned to bad luck, sir.
- Lets go ask Gheed. He is an experienced merchant, may knows some tricks. Hallo, Gheed. Do you have a SoJ for sale?
- You can try your luck, by gambling some rings
- Common, just tell me some tips, I can pay you
- Rarity is a hidden value for set/unique items, when there is more than one variant of the same item base. For example, the unique ring Stone of Jordan has a Rarity of 1, while the far more common unique rings Manald Heal and Nagelring have a Rarity of 15. Thus, a Manald Heal is 15 times as likely to drop than a Stone of Jordan.
- Then how to find a SoJ?
- SoJ is qlvl 39, Mandal and Nagel are lower.
- So any monster mlvl 39 or higher can drop a SoJ, but also one of other 8 unique rings, if meets the qlvl
- Next rings are Dwarf star and Raven frost with qlvl 53. When you kill monsters between 39 and 52 mlvl, there is only 3 posibilities – Mandal, Nagel and SoJ. The chance for SoJ is 1:31 based ot their rarity 1: (1+15+15).
- Andariel have high chance to drop ring and amulets. On Nightmare difficulty she is mlvl 49. Looks like perfect target. But Im sure, there is more. Keep talking!
- Unique items are unique, because they can not spawns more than single time in the same game. If you find three unique rings ilvl 39 to 52 in one game, then you will sure to find Manald, Nagel and SoJ.
- Boss, If you go first kill the councils in Travincal and Durance lvl 3 on NM, they can drop also Raven and Dwarf. But the chance to drop Mandal and Nagel is higher, and then you can go kill Andy. If she drops unique ring, its a SoJ
- Right, I can kill also some superuniques and loot some super chests in Act 2 and Act 3 like Radament + chest, The summoner + all chests on the wrong ways in Arcane, quest chests (cube, staff, Khalms organs) and their guards, Kurast super chests etc.
- Do you have more gold?
- You, greedy bastard. Tell me what you know!
- Act bosses have higher drop, when you kill them for first time. Knowing as “quest drop”, this can be used for more effective runs. Now listen carefuly about Andariel bug:
You need Act 1 last quest – kill Andariel for the first time. After you kill her, go thru the portal, go talk with Warriv (only Warriv) and travel immediately to Lut Golein. Nothing elce! When you are for the first time in Act 2, dont do anything! Just Save & Exit as soon as possible. Create a new game. Now every time you kill Andy (the same char, the same difficulty), her drop is bugged and always is “quest drop”.
- Can I do this with Mephisto, Diablo or Baal?
- Why do you need to kill Baal? Fot the title Partiarch/Matriarch? You can kill the Ancients and go in Baalruns, created by other players. If the final blow is yours, there is “quest drop” from Baal, without compete the quest.
- Maybe in closed game with friends is better.
- Another option is possible. Get last WP in act 3 and leave the game before kill Mephisto. You can wear MF equpement and join game, created by another char, or open games (Cow runs, Baal runs, afk traders). Every time you get “quest drop”. More players means higher possible drop. Loot, Exit, Repeat without complete the quest. Again and again.
- OK, but this character can not pass Act 3. The price is 10 all res from Anya and 2 skill poins from Izual. What can I do with this?
There is nothing to run in act 4 and 5 with MF sorc, but she is perfect for Andy, Pit, Tunnels, Kurast superchests, Mephisto, Countess, Summoner (keys), even cows, opened by another char. But always check for “You cannot complete” before kill Mephisto!!!
- Lets go, Mizan, the jewelery queen have a gift for me.
- Queen? Where is this queen?
- Elementary, my dear Mizan. In Catacombs level 3