Diablo 2 Private Server
Custom features:
All original vanilla content is available up to 1.13c followed by our customized changes:
Experience Rate
Level 1-70: 10x
Level 71-85: 5x
Level 86-91: 3x
Level 92-99: 1x
Modified Items
Andariel's Visage removed fire pierce, added 5-15 fire resistance
Swirling Crystal removed teleport, added level 15 vigor aura when equipped
Templar's Might 3 class skill levels ,1 teleport, 20 fhr, 10-20 all attributes, 10-20 all resistances, 170%-200% ED
Tyrael's Might 1-2 all skills, 1 teleport, 15 frw, indestructible, slain monsters rest in peace, 10-20 all attributes, 10-20 all resistances, 120%-150% ED
The Grandfather deadly strike 20%, open wounds 20%, 10-20 all attributes, 10-15 lifesteal, 150%-250% ED
Phoenix runeword no longer casts Firestorm on hit. It has been replaced with Fireball.
Hellfire Torch no longer casts Firestorm on hit. It has been replaced with an additional 5% experience bonus.
Plague hidden vanilla runeword has been enabled. https://diablo.gamepedia.com/Plague_(Diablo_II_Rune_Word)
Pattern hidden vanilla runeword has been enabled. https://diablo.gamepedia.com/Pattern_(Diablo_II_Rune_Word)
Cosmetic aura obtainable through combining Standard of Heroes.
Color dyes are a new visual customization option that can change the color of a weapon, shield, helmet or armor. https://i.imgur.com/5ByaYE2.gif
Gem Bags are our newest addition in terms of custom features and they allow you to store multiple gems per bag, making trading safer and storing easier. A full guide is available here.
We all know that some items like tyrael and templar are rare and their old attributes were just not worth the effort but with this custom modification, they do!
ONE [1] rune can be downgraded or divided into two lower runes with the following mentions:
Zod => Cham + Jah
Cham => Jah + Ber
Jah => Ber + Sur
Ber => Sur + Sur
Sur => Lo + Lo
Lo => Ohm + Ohm
Ohm => Vex + Vex and so on.
Every rune up to Ber can break into two equal lower level runes.
TWO [2] of any same level runes can be upgraded to next higher level rune.
Example: EL+EL => ELD and so on.
ONE of any quality gem can be upgraded to the next level until it reaches perfect quality.
You only need one gem not three.
ONE [1] Chipped Amethyst => Flawed Amethyst => Amethyst => Flawless Amethyst=> Perfect Amethyst
ONE [1] Flawed Amethyst => Amethyst => Flawless Amethyst => Perfect Amethyst
ONE [1] Amethyst => Flawless Amethyst => Perfect Amethyst
ONE [1] Flawless Amethyst => Perfect Amethyst
Rune Words
The Arreat Summit - Items: Rune Words: Original
The Arreat Summit - Items: Rune Words: 1.10 Rune Words
The Arreat Summit - Items: Rune Words: 1.11 Rune Words
Crafted Items
The Arreat Summit - Items: Crafted Items
The Arreat Summit - Items: The Horadric Cube
Socketed Normal Items
1 Tal Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Topaz + Normal Body Armor => Socketed Body Armor of the same type
1 Ral Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Amethyst + Normal Weapon => Socketed Weapon of the same type
1 Ral Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Sapphire + Normal Helm => Socketed Helm of the same type
1 Tal Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Ruby + Normal Shield => Socketed Shield of the same type
Socketed Superior Items
1 Ist Rune + 1 Pul Rune + 1 Perfect Topaz + Superior Armor => Random Socketed Superior Armor
1 Gul Rune + 1 Fal Rune + 1 Perfect Amethyst + Superior Weapon => Random Socketed Superior Weapon
1 Um Rune + 1 Ko Rune + 1 Perfect Sapphire + Superior Helm => Random Socketed Superior Helm
1 Mal Rune + 1 Lem Rune + 1 Perfect Ruby + Superior Shield => Random Socketed Superior Shield
Cosmetic Auras
25 Standard of Heroes => Fist Aura Charm
50 Standard of Heroes => Evil Aura Charm
75 Standard of Heroes => Fire Aura Charm
Blizzlike concept, improved gameplay
Integrated Anti-Cheat System
Widescreen resolution support
Increased drop rates
Increased experience gain
Increased gambling odds slightly
Full mercenary equipment available
Multiboxing and maphack are allowed
Increased cube, stash and inventory size
Characters do not expire from lack of use
You may socket superior items in the cube
Act 1 Mercenaries can now equip Crossbows
You may create up to 18 characters per account
Stash gold limit has been increased to 30 million
You may downgrade or break down runes into lower ones
You may socket items indefinetly after completing larzuk quest
Uber Diablo spawns in your own game by selling one SoJ to Akara
You may open the cow portal idefinitely even after killing cow king
Several items have been modified to provide a better game balance
Several cube recipes have been modified to provide an easier gameplay
Gem bags that allow you to store multiple gems are being sold by Akara
Significantly increased the max quantity of Arrows and Bolts
Significantly increased the max quantity of Throwing Weapons and Javelins
Increased the max quantity of Keys, Tome of Identify and Tome of Town Portal
Bow skills excluding strafe, normal attacks will no longer consume arrows or bolts
Everything that is not listed on this page is unchanged from the original game.