- Damn, where is my merc? Hey, Mizan, all the monsters disappears. What's goin on?
- The door to Hell is open, sir. He is coming. Diablo! The most powerful demon, The Lord of Terror, Prime Evil, Mephisto’s brother, The dark...
- Ok, ok, the last one close this open door, please... I will kick him in the face!
- Its not so easy, sir. When you try to hit a monster/another player?:
1. Starts animation of hit/cast. How fast runs motions, depend on Attack speed (FCR for spells).
2. Engine check for block posibility. If yes - the engine calculate chance to block and roll for cuccess. Succesfull block - step 7. If no-block – next step.
3. (skip for spells, Smite and Guided) Game engine calculate % chance to hit and roll for successful hit. If not - done! If yes – next step.
4. Engine check for avoiding chance (Dodge and similar) and roll for success. If yes – step 7. If no – next step.
5. Engine check type(s) of delivered damage(s), apply all buff effects and mods and roll between min and max damage. Now is the moment for defender’s resists, reduce etc.
6. When final amount of damage has been calculated, damage is applyed, as well and other offensive mods.
7. The last step is animations of defender: dodge/ block/ hit recovery. How fast runs motions, depend of FBR/FHR.
- I understand! Now tell me more about step 3:
- Your base AR: 1 poin Dexterity = 5 AR points. Total AR = Base AR + all buffs from skills and gear.
Defense rating = sum of your gear defence + mods.
Chance to hit (CTH) depends of AR, DR, Attacker level and Defender level. Cap is min 5%, max 95% CTH.
- Are you insane, Mizan? On the battlefield nobody use a pen and papper to calculate AR. Its too complicated.
- We may ask Tyrael. He is a warrior of Light
- I dont like him. He always charge me 50 000 gold for your resurection. Why angels needs gold?
- Hmm, maybe he must pay the elecricity bill for these glowing wings...
- I suspect he is a gambler and spend a lot of money, buing unindified items. Where is my tome of Town portal?
- You have a scroll on yor belt sir. Just press the hotkey and open TP avoiding casting animation
- Hmm, its working. Anyway, I have to fill the tome.
- Sell it to any merchant in the town and buy it back. Its always full.
- Hi, Tyrael! Why AR and DR are important? Can you help me for calculation of CTH?
- Because you can deal great damage, but what's the point, if you miss? You can kill faster even with lower damage, if you hit more accurately. And you can survive longer if you are not easy target.
- Can you help me to calculate CTH?
- Sure! AR – attacker’s attack rating ; DR – defender’s defence ; Alvl – Attacker level ; Dlvl – defender level
The formula is: [AR/(AR+DR)]*[Alvl/(Alvl+Dlvl)]*200%
- Can we make it easy and simple, somehow?
- Step 1: Lets call the first part of the formula Attack Variable (AV) = AR/(AR+DR) AV is between 0 and 1
Step 2: Lets call the second part of the formula Level variable (LV) LV = Alvl/(Alvl+Dlvl) LV is also between 0 and 1
Now the formula is easy and simple! CTH = AV*LV*200
- I dont understand. We allways make full calculation, no matter old or new formula. Its already calculated and displayed on your character screen.
- Yes, but only VS last attaked monster and sometimes is not correct! Now you can replace only single value in this simple formula and re-calculate fast and easy.
You can compare armor, weapons, charms, facets, RW bases and different mods, before spending high runes for items and runewords.
You will know how effective are dexterity and skills, before spend points.
You can prepair better for PvP, improve your merc, your defence, your damage if you use right items, skills, mods, socketables. And you can calculate the real benefits from upgraded, ethereal and superior items.
- But how this help me against The lord of Misery
- Lord of Terror, sir...
- Anyway... tell me more about him, Tyrael!
- OK, Diablo hell, Lvl 94, AR 7500, DR 2534
- So, Im Lvl 90, Defence 2000, Dexterity 100, Im using skills + 1000% AR.
Base AR = Dex*5 = 100*5 = 500. Total AR = 500 +1000% = 5500 AR
- Lets calculate CTH:
Your stats we call 1, Your enemy stats 2. LV = Alvl/(Alvl+Dlvl)
LV1 = 90/(90+94) = 0,49
LV2 = 94/(94+90) = 0,51
AV1 = AR1/(AR1+DR2) = 5500/(5500+2534) = 0,68
CTH1 = AV1*LV1*200 = 0,72*0,49*200 = 68% chance to hit Diablo
AV2 = AR2/(AR2+DR1) = 7500/(7500+2000) = 0,79
CTH2 = AV2*LV2*200 = 0,79*0,51*200 = 81% chance Diablo hit you
- What!!! This is ridiculous!
- Boss, you have Demon lumb. May Enchant help +218% AR
- Yes, Mizan, go to the stach and bring me also my Ravenfrost ring +20 dex and Metalgrid amulet +450 AR, +350 Defence. Now my Defence is 2350.
Base AR = 5x120 dex = 600 +450 (Metalgrid) = 1050. Mods + 1218% AR (skills + 23 lvl enchant). Total 1050 +1218% = 13839 AR
AV1 = 13839/(13839+2534) = 0,85 CTH1 = 0,85*0,49*200 = 83% chance to hit Diablo
AV2 = 7500/(7500+2350) = 0,76 CTH2 = 0,76*0,51*200 = 77% chance Diablo hit me
- Now is better, but still not enough.
- Mizan, give me your armor! Only durring this battle you can get mine Enigma 1500 defence! I will use yours ethereal e-bugged Forty with 6500 defence. This is + 5000 def. Also Forty has CtC 15 lvl frozen armor + 100% defence. So, my DR = 7350+100% = 14700
AV2 = 7500/(7500+14700) = 0,34 CTH2 = 0,34*0,51*200 = 35% chance Diablo hit me
- Hit me now, baby!
- Oh, Boss, I know this song... Hit me...spear, blond hair... one more time. Javazon with spear
- Britney Spears, idiot!
- Tyrael, the fat red dinosaur is death, the world is saved. Now is time for couple Full Beer potions... hahaha
- Congratulations! But this is the expansion "The lord of destruction". Its time for Act 5
- I told you, Mizan, I dont like this guy.
- Hey, Boss, can I get back my ethereal Forty?
- Shut up!