-Mizan, I have a deja-vu.
-This is normal, sir.
I have a strange feeling. Like a nightmare.
-This is the hell, stranger. The Hell is coming... My name is Cain. Thank you for rescue me!
-But how did you come so fast to the Rogue encampment?
-Time is a relative concept, stranger. I will tell you everything, just stay awile and listen! But you have to know something: this road leads to addiction to our world. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
-Measure of time in Diablo II is a Frame. 25 frames = 1 second.
There are a lot of animations in game (hits, casting spells, and each other movement). How fast runs these animations depends of some mods like FCR, FHR, IAS, FHR, FRW.
Attack speed animation depends of weapon, skill, IAS etc. Each type of weapon has a speed mod. Use this IAS calculator. Just select: Class - weapon base - Skill - speed buff/debuff level and click on "Show IAS table"
More Faster cast rate means faster animation when casting spells. Note than some spells (like Poison nova, Frozen orb) has Casting delay timer and FCR is useless.
Faster hit recovery helps you for faster animation, when you have been hit.
Faster block rate is useful after cuccesfull blocking and reduse the lengt of block animations. Increase chance to block is different mod, its not related by time.
More FHR and FBR helps preventing your character been stunned by multiple hits and temporary cant move, attack, block or cast spells. One little trick: swap weapons interrupt animation. Multiple swap allow you to escape from hit/block stun.
Different types of characters uses different skills/spells (animations) and needs different mods. For faster animation you must reach a certain value of certain mod. These values called breackpoints.Breakpoints are limited and different for different classes. This is the reason Amazons teleport with 105 FCR (12 frames = 2 per sec) looks like slow motion, compare to Sorceress with 105 FCR (8 frames = 3 per sec). You can see all the breakpoints FCR, FHR, FBR for all classes on this scroll
Fast run/walk is unlimited and flat (no breakpoints).
- Тhe prophecy speaks of a great hero. Fate has pointed you out...
- Wait, wait, I need some time... or some frames to be correct... to make sense of this. I don't even know where to start...
- There are many paths. You have to find your begining strategy
- I will take a look. Lets go, Mizan. I need to kill something...
- What do you think, Mizan, can I be the chosen one?
- Did you see my ethereal weapon, sir?
- I've always wondered how do you hit the monsters with this. Etherel means not real. Does it even exist?
- You have to open your mind, Boss. Do not try to hit with the weapon, that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth… there is no weapon!