- Good to see you! More rings to identify? Your patience will be rewarded. You have a SoJ here.
- Are you serious? Give it to me, Cain! Im so happy, I dont know what to do
- Sell the SoJ!
- What!!! Are you insane, old mad?
- You’ve destroyed the Prime evil’s bodies and proved your strenght. By selling the SoJ you sacrifice something valuable and you prove the power of your will. Diablo’s spirit will walk the Earth once again to crush your soul. Face him and you will be rewarded. Come with me, give this SoJ to Akara!
- Ok, I will... Noo, its mine... Take it Akara... No, I will keep it, its only one... Give me the money... No its more valuable...
- Hey, boss, are you OK? Give it to me, I will sell this obsessive ring.
- Yes, Mizan, take it... Nooo, its only mine! My precious!!!
- Hallo, Larzuc. Can you add a socket to my weapon?
- I will, use it wisely!
- I wish to improve my damage against Uber Diablo. I have a perfect jewel 40% ed
- On your weapon Eth rune (-25% target defence) or Shael (20 IAS) can be more effective, than Gul rune (+20% to AR) or Ohm (+50% edmg) or Lo (20% DS). More accuracy and speed = more hits = more straight damage and more passive damage from added sources and procs (chance to cast spells).
- Looks like sometimes hidden bonuses are better, than the obvious!
- Also you need to negate enemy’s natural life regeneration.
- I have "Prevent monster heal" on my Infinity.
- It doesnt working on hirelings and Iron golem, Mizan. Use OW or some poison damage to drain life and prevent healing. Open wounds (OW) causes bleeding and loose life for 8 seconds. Damage per second is based on character level (~280 hp per second for 92+ lvl char). OW helps for faster killing and works better than "Prevent monster heal" on bosses. Actualy OW is not damage. It is negative life regeneration. For this reason its not affected by pfisical reduce/resist. OW must be applied by siccesful phisical hit. OW dont works if monster is full health. Must take some damage to start bleeding.
- Can we use OW on phisical immuned monster? Iti s always with full health, we dont inflict phisical damage, so OW doesnt work.
- If you infect the monster with poison, or cast static field, or other elemental/magic damage, and then hit the monster with 0 phisical damage? Yes, OW now start working.
- Great! What else?
- Critical strike (CS) and Deadly strike (DS) are great damage dealers, because they double your phisical damage by melee or ranged hits (not spells). Adittional elemental/poison/magic damage from skills/charms/mods/sockets are not affected.
- Are both stacks?
- Chance for CS stacks, Chance for DS stacks, but CS dont stacks with DS. They works separately. The engine roll for first mod and if that fails, roll for another. If the first roll succeeds, there is no roll for another. Not allowed double-double damage.
- Boss, my aura is very useful. You can use a socketed base to create a Runeword with aditional damage aura.
- Yes, I know. A lot of people uses Dream shield and helm.
- If you use 2 items with the same aura, there is a bug and aura levels stacks. There is another "bug of the bug". Just open a Trade window with another player and place any item. Then pres Accept. When he press Accept, but his inventory is full, trade window is closed and item is going back to your inventory. In this moment all your gear is reloaded (you can see a “blink”) and item auras stacks one more time. Do it again and again without limitation.
- What? I can stack 100 times and deal 100k damage in a single hit?
- This is not a single hit damage, its like 100 separate hits delivered as one. The final damage is great, anyway. The difference comes from resists and absorbs, applyed separately for each of these 100 hits. An enemy with high resist, Tgod belt and 2x Wisp rings will absorb all lightning damage from 100 separated hits, just like from 1 hit.
- But monsters will not.
- Theoreticaly you can kill uber Diablo with a single shot.
- Hmm, probably its better to use these sockets for CTA base and boost my life and mana.
- Dont forget: Only boostable life points are affected by BO, Oak sage, Jah rune and other +% to life boosters. The same is for Mana / Energy
Boostable life is: your natural life points by leveling, Alkor’s potion from Act 3 quest, life from hard Vitality points spended, +X points to life from gear and charms
Non-boostable is: +life based on character level, +Vitality from items, +X% life
Items like Shako, Enigma, War traveler, Arcanes valor, Oculus, Zaka shield, Sandstorm are great life sources. But all this is non BOable. On the other hand Bloodfist, Waterwalk, blood crafted items, offers pure BOable life.
- Realy? Perfect ruby (+38 life) can be more effective, than Jah rune (+5% life)?
- Sometimes. On your armor even Pul (+30% enhanced defence) can be more effective, than Jah. If enemy miss you, you dont take damage at all. Or Fal (10 str), or Hel (-req) for spare strenght points and boost BOable vitality. Think twice!
- Thanks, Larzuc! Now I have to go. Diablo walks the Earth.
- Go back, sir, Big D cast meteorite shower
- I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
- He is almost death, sir. Get the Anihilus! FINISH HIM!
- I cant remember the control’s combination
- Forward, Forward, Down, Forward, High kick
> > v > hk