- Hey, Boss, Anya is a hot chick.
- Rather she is not hot, she is cool... because of she was frozen
- Oh, she may needs some massage...
- Shut up, Mizan! Hallo, Anya! Please tell me how to get better items!
- OK, listen carefuly! Gold, ammo, scrolls, potions can be dropped almost everywhere, but this is not important. First things first: the terminology:
alvl=area level. All areas has their own names and alvl. Level of chests and similar drop-possible objects = alvl.
mlvl=monster level. Usualy mlevel = area lvl, that the monster was spawned in. Champions have alvl+2, Uniques and their minions have alvl+3. Super uniques including all bosses have pre-determinated monster levels.
ilvl=item level, this is the level that the item is. This is determined by the monster or chest that drops the item. In most cases =alvl
qlvl=quality level. The qlvl of item determines the level that any monster/chest needs to be, to drop this item.
TC = Treassure Class. All the items are organised by groups, depends of qlvl. TC determines possible drop by monster/chest .
- Looks so complicated...
- Actualy not. If you use maphack, you have an option to see all this
- OK, keep talking!
- What exactly happens when you kill a monster?
1. Game engine determine the possible drop, based of highest TC and number of rolls, based on mlvl/alvl (with some exceptions for bosses, special monsters, quests etc)
2. Engine rolls for drop or no-drop amongst possible TC and repeat this step based on step 1 result.
3. Engine rolls item type (weapon, potion, ring, rune) and exactly wich type (normal, exeptional, elite version) depends of relevant TC
4. Engine rolls item qualities (low, superior, rare, set, unique). Here MF matters
5. If they are more than one option for this type item, the engine randomly select the specific item (if is unique amulet, select wich one). Here Rarity matters.
6. Engine rolls item properties and sockets (if varies)
Similar is for chests, gambling, crafting, imbue, excluding some specifics.
- Boss, you have to be very lucky bastard to get a high class unique item with maximum stats roll.
- Seems you are right, Mizan. So, now Im looking for lifers and skillers, wich level grand charm I need?
- Charms and jewels are magic (blue) by default . There is 25% chance of suffix, 50% chace of preffix and 25% chance of Prefix+Suffix. Possible affixes/prefixes depends on ilvl.
+skill tree prefixes are 50 ilvl
ilevel 50+ = skillers with up to 30 life (suffix Of Life / Sustenance – low roll), +12 FHR / +7 FRW
ilevel 61+ = skillers with 31-35 life (suffix Of Sustenance – high roll)
ilevel 77+ = skiller with 36-40 life (suffix Of Vita – low roll)
ilevel 91+ = skiller with 41-45 life (suffix Of Vita – high roll)
Full list of prefixes and suffixes
MF matters only for qlvl. MF doesnt matters for item type or affixes. You can learn more about MF here
Crafting and gambling are generation of affixes, MF doesnt matters.
More information HERE and HERE
- Lets go, Mizan, its time to find Baals throne room.
- Cross your fingers and pray for a SoJ in front of the Iron throne...
- Iron throne is another story, Mizan. Baals minions are better, than Daenaerys' dragons...
- Baals minions? What minions do you talking about, these yellow one-eyed creatures dressed in blue...?