- Greetings!
- Hi, Cain. Identify these item, if you please! Councils just droped it in Travincal. Its this a SoJ?
- No, this ring is Dwarf star, absorbs fire and reduce magic damage. And this is Ormus robes. He is a spell master, even his robes can increase your elemental damage.
- I will ask him for more information about that.
- Good day, Ormus, I have a present for you – your lost robe.
- Thank you. What can I do for you?
- I wish to learn more about damage - how to use and how to protect.
- Phisical damage is main, when we use weapon. Resist - yes (called Damage reduse for players), cap 50%. Absorb - yes (Bone armor)
Elemental damage are Fire, Cold, Lightning. Resists - yes. For players cap is usualy 75%, can be increased up to 95%. Absorb - yes, cap 40%!
Magic damage is different rare type (Bone skills, Blessed hammer). Resist - yes (very rare for players). Absorb - yes, cap 40%
All these types of damage applies instantly and every time engine roll an amount between min and max.
- I know about spells, but how I can use elemental damage with weapon?
- Added elemental/poison/magic damage must been applyed with succesful phisical hit - melee or missile (arrows, bolts, throwing weapon).
Projectiles (spells like fire bolts, Tornado, bone spells etc) do not carry added damage. Smite do not carry any elemental or poison damage. Assassins kicks applies all added elemental damage, even from weapon, although its not displayed.
- I know something too. If you hit phisical imuned monster, you dont inflict phisical damage, but all other types are applied.
- Mizan, even my grandmother knows this. She also knows, than Amplify damage breaks the phisical imunity. Get this Atma's amulet, cast the curse and forget about this problem! Ormus, continue, please!
- After sucesful hit first debuff is resist, then is reduction, finaly absorb
Magic damage reduce means all types of damage except phisical.
Damade reduce by % = phisical resist
Damage reduce by X just decrease final taken phisical damage by fixed number.
Fire / Cold / Light Damage reduce by % = resist (actualy stacks with resist)
Elemental/magic damage reduce by X just decrease final taken elemental/magic damage by fixed number.
Absorb decrease taken damage by % or fixed number and heal +the same ammount of hp (first is heal effect, then rest of damage). Actualy 10% absorb = 20% resist
- Mizan, Give me some piece of pergament. I will try to calculate something!
- Example 1: You take 1000 fire damage.
First is resist. If you have 55% fire resist, damage is decreased by 550. Rest 450 fire damage.
Next is reduce by X. If you have Fire (or Magic) damage reduce by 50, damage is decreased by 50. Rest 400 fire damage.
Next is absorb by X. If you have +20 fire absorb (amount, not%) so 1) you gains +20 hp and 2) damage is decreased by 20. Rest 380 fire damage.
Next is absorb by %. If you have 10% fire absorb, 1) you gains +38 hp and 2) damage is decreased by 38. Now taken damage is 322, but you gain +58 hp and loose 322 hp. Real damage is 264.
- This is great, Boss. But wich one is better? Reduce/Absorb by % or by X
- Example 2: Reduce VS phisical hit 1000 damage
2A) +10 damage reduce (Nature's Peace ring): 1000-10=990 hp lost
2B) +10% damage reduce (Crown of Ages helm): 1000-100=900 hp lost
- I understand. Against big amount of damage +% reduce/absorb is better option than is +X reduce/absorb.
Example 3: Absorb VS lightning bolts 40 damage (LE monster)
3A) +20 light absorb (TGod belt): 40-20=20 hp lost +20hp heal= 0 damage
3B) +20% light absorb (Wisp ring): 40-8=32hp lost +8hp heal= 24 damage
- Against low damage +X is better than +% Anyway, more resist/reduce/absorb is always better! Right, Ormus?
- Sure! This is the reason Dwarf star ring (Fire absorb 15%), Rising sun amulet (0-74 fire absorb) and Hotslur boots (45 Fresist, +15max F resist) are extremely useful vs fire damage like Council's Hydras in Travincal
- Oh, I've already killed them all.
- There is more in Durance of Hate. Beware to Mephisto’s elemental spells and remember: Suicide monsters, Stygian dolls and Fetishes explode, dealing phisical gamage. Hirelings and summoned creatures are immuned to these explodions. Fire enchanced monsters explode with fire damade, but its bugged and very dangerous. Necro skill Corpse explosion is half-phisical, half-fire damage.
- Thank you! Its time for Mephisto - another chance for a SoJ!
- Wingardium LevioOosa!
- What are you doing, Boss?
- I have Enigma, Im learning a new spell.
- Hmm, better learn Cruciatus...