20 years later
- You look worried, sir. What are you thinking about?
- I remember when I rescued Cain for the first time. It was the good old days, my dear Mizan. Тhe men used blades to kill monsters, demons walk the Earth and died by magic, and elders in robes would tell you everything about anything if you'd stay a while and listen.
- Oh, yeah. Now men use blades to shave their legs, viruses roam the Earth and dies by potions and people are summoning a creature called Gogole, or something like this, and ask him about everything.
- The gods changed our world, Mizan, they did it by using 4k graphics.
- But why is this bad, sir?
- Its not bad, my old friend. Im old and tired, 99 level is not a joke. But there will be new, higher requirements. The world needs fresh blood.
- You are right, sir. Many young adventurers have turned their eyes to our world. Many of the old return after more than 10 years of oblivion. Many questions are being asked ...
- Do you still keep your diary, Mizan? It contains a lot of information that can be useful to new adventurers and old ones if they need to remember something. We can share the knowledge we gained with them.
- Im affraid, during the many battles, some pages are destroyed, burned or lost.
- But it is still valuable. Most guides are boring and you have to search far an wide for certain knowledge.
- Oh, sir, its not a guide, these are just some notes... And my english is bad, im a mercenary from Lut Golein...
- Whatever, bring me another beer, sit comfortably and show me this old notebook!